One of the great joys in looking at this through an entertainment lens, rather than taking a hard research viewpoint, is that I am free to make fun of some of the more ridiculous aspects.

One of them is in the area of hard, and sometimes wet evidence of cryptids. That proof is poop.

A couple of things about this display of evidence.

First, we can rest assured it is not evidence. Because if any of it was legit, it would all be dna sequenced and all over the news.

Second, look at that Bigfoot pile. One thing is for certain. Even at 8 foot tall, if the Sasquatch is dropping deuces like that… I am gonna go out on a limb and say either they enjoy gay sex, or they have a cloaca like a chicken. Because damn!

And finally, wait a minute. Most of that poop is just normal animal poop…and is even labelled as such.

I want my ticket money back!


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