Alabama White Thang crawling across a felled tree. Artist rendering in pen and ink

The Alabama White Thang

This is a cryptid I was not aware of until I ran across someone complaining that it was frequently described poorly as a bigfoot type creature on the internet. So I did a little poking around and learned more about it, and of course drew my vision of it from what I found.

Regional Names

  • Common Names: Alabama White Thang, White Thing, White Thang

Known Origin and Basic Lore The Alabama White Thang is a creature from Southern folklore, particularly popular in rural areas of Alabama. Stories about this cryptid have been passed down through generations, with some reports dating back to the 1930s. The lore often describes it as a mysterious, elusive creature that appears primarily at night.

Significant Sightings

  • 1970s, Winston County: Multiple residents reported seeing a large, white, hairy creature roaming the woods and scaring livestock.
  • 1990s, Morgan County: A flurry of sightings described the White Thang as a creature with piercing red eyes and a high-pitched scream.
  • 2000s, Jefferson County: Reports emerged of a creature resembling a large white lion or dog moving quickly through wooded areas.

Physical Description

  • Size: Descriptions vary, but the creature is generally said to be between 7 to 8 feet tall when standing upright.
  • Color: Pure white or very light in color.
  • Features: Covered in long, shaggy hair or fur. Some accounts describe it as having glowing red eyes and large, sharp teeth.
  • Stance: Often described as being able to walk both on all fours and upright on two legs.


  • Nocturnal: Most sightings occur at night.
  • Vocalizations: Known for its eerie, high-pitched scream or howl.
  • Diet: Speculative; some stories suggest it preys on livestock, while others indicate it might be omnivorous, foraging for berries and plants.
  • Movement: Described as swift and agile, capable of moving silently through dense forests.


  • Camouflage: Its white fur allows it to blend into misty or snowy environments.
  • Agility: Known for its speed and ability to navigate rough terrain with ease.
  • Elusiveness: Despite numerous sightings, it has never been captured or definitively documented, contributing to its mythical status.

Preferred Habitat

  • Environment: Heavily wooded areas, dense forests, and rural farmlands.
  • Shelter: Likely prefers caves, abandoned structures, or thick underbrush where it can remain hidden.

Range of Sightings

  • Primary Locations: Winston County, Morgan County, Jefferson County, and surrounding rural areas of Northern Alabama.
  • Broader Range: Some reports extend to neighboring states such as Georgia and Tennessee, but these are less frequent.

Likelihood of Existence Based on Similar Species

  • Comparisons: Similarities can be drawn to other regional cryptids like the Skunk Ape of Florida or the Fouke Monster of Arkansas, which are also large, hairy, and elusive.
  • Scientific Perspective: While no definitive evidence supports the existence of the Alabama White Thang, the consistent nature of sightings suggests a possible basis in reality, potentially misidentified known animals such as albino bears, large dogs, or escaped exotic pets.
  • Cryptozoological Perspective: From a cryptozoological viewpoint, the recurring nature of the reports and specific regional details lend some credence to the possibility of an unknown species or a folkloric representation of natural phenomena.
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