On first glance, the name Nandi Bear makes you think that this is going to be a cute and cuddly cryptid that probably isn’t real. Fortunately the drawn photo is there to dispel any such belief.

The name comes from a tribe in the highlands of Kenya. The Nandi people, who are part of the Kalenjin ethnic group, have passed down stories of this creature through oral tradition. According to the lore, the Nandi Bear is a nocturnal predator with a fierce disposition, known to attack livestock and occasionally humans. It is often depicted as a fearsome beast with supernatural qualities, instilling both fear and respect among those who live in its purported range.

In Nandi folklore, the bear is described as a large, bear-like creature covered in shaggy fur, with powerful limbs and sharp claws. Its face is often likened to that of a hyena or a primate, contributing to its terrifying appearance. These descriptions have varied over time, influenced by the accounts of different witnesses and storytellers. The creature’s nocturnal habits and stealthy nature are emphasized, making it a symbol of the unknown dangers lurking in the dark forests and mountains.

After reading through the accounts I could find, and a bit of internetting, I am convinced that this beast originated from a someone seeing an oversized and aggressive spotted hyena with its front paws up on a large carcass eating it. The thing is, that doesn’t change one bit how terrifying this thing is.

Here is the low down on this likely real if misidentified terror.

Nandi Bear

Regional Names:

  • Kenya: Ngoloko, Kerit, Chemosit
  • Tanzania: Kikambangwe
  • Uganda: Duba

Known Origin and Basic Lore:

  • Origin: The Nandi Bear is a creature from East African folklore, primarily known from the Nandi people of Kenya.
  • Lore: It is described as a fearsome, nocturnal predator with a reputation for attacking livestock and even humans. Stories of the Nandi Bear have been passed down through generations, often invoking fear and mystery.

Significant Sightings:

  • 1912: Reports of attacks on cattle near the Nandi Escarpment.
  • 1925: British colonial accounts describe sightings of a large, bear-like creature in the Kenyan highlands.
  • 1930s: Several European explorers and settlers report encounters with the creature, furthering its legend.

Physical Description:

  • Size: Approximately 4-6 feet in height when standing on its hind legs.
  • Appearance: Described as having a bear-like body, covered in shaggy fur. Some accounts mention a face similar to that of a hyena or a primate.
  • Features: Powerful limbs with sharp claws, capable of inflicting significant damage.


  • Diet: Carnivorous, with a preference for livestock and potentially small game.
  • Activity: Nocturnal, primarily active during the night.
  • Aggressiveness: Known for its aggressive nature, especially when encountered by humans or when hunting.


  • Strength: Possesses great physical strength, allowing it to overpower livestock and resist capture.
  • Speed: Capable of moving swiftly, aiding in its predatory behavior.
  • Stealth: Uses the cover of darkness to approach its prey unnoticed.

Preferred Habitat:

  • Environment: Prefers dense forests and mountainous regions, providing ample cover and hunting grounds.
  • Regions: Found predominantly in the Nandi Escarpment, forested areas, and highlands of Kenya and neighboring countries.

Range of Sightings:

  • Geographic Range: Sightings are primarily reported in Kenya but extend to Tanzania and Uganda.
  • Frequency: Sightings are sporadic and often anecdotal, contributing to the creature’s mythic status.

Discussion on Likelihood of Existence:

  • Comparison to Similar Species: The Nandi Bear has been compared to known species such as the African lion, hyenas, and bears (though bears are not native to Africa). Some cryptozoologists suggest it could be a misidentified or relict species, such as a prehistoric bear or a large, unidentified primate.
  • Scientific Evidence: Lack of concrete evidence, such as physical remains or clear photographs, casts doubt on its existence. The creature’s described behaviors and physical traits do not match any known species perfectly, leading many to believe it is a product of local folklore and misidentifications.
  • Cultural Impact: The persistence of the Nandi Bear in local lore highlights the impact of cultural narratives on cryptid stories, blending myth with potential rare wildlife encounters.
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