I don’t even feel bad for putting it up like this. Worse images are pitched as legit all the time. This one is at least clear. My dude looks like I would expect to find him just chilling in the woods and wondering why you are bothering him. Oh and its fun.
I have been asked recently if I ACTUALLY believe in bigfoot. That has a complicated answer.
The start has to be no. This is because I do not believe in anything that I have not seen myself to be proven. And even with all the grainy pictures and scat samples in cryptozoology museums, it just hasn’t been proven to live currently.
See what I did there?
Regardless of what we think lives now, we KNOW Gigantopithecus did live and everything about it matches the bigfoot legends and lore. So it definitely did live at one time. So from that perspective, yes I do ACTUALLY believe.
Do I want to believe? HELL YES. There is a strong appeal to me in that idea that a big ass ape is highly intelligent and running around playing the most epic game of hide and seek anyone has ever imagined.
Most importantly, I love the idea of bigfoot and all other cryptids. Whether they are real or not doesn’t even matter to me at the end of the day. Exploring the ideas, opening our minds, imagining, and seeking truth…that is the big lesson in this school day.
Besides, it is a ton of fun.