Charting the Uncharted: My Misadventures with the ‘Ancient Order of the Deep’ By Dr. Ritz Footwat, Seafaring Cultural Anthropologist IntroductionI embarked on this journey with
Category: Uthar Werld

Uthar Werld News Network – Dr. Ritz Footwat’s Explosive Investigation! “THE BIGGEST MONGOLIAN DEATH WORM EVER?!” Cue dramatic music. Ladies and gentlemen, I am about

Inside the Cabal: The First Three Drops from The Cabal Collection at Fortean Giftorium The shadows are stirring, and the first wave of The Cabal

Dr. Ritz Footwat Report: The Stonecutting and Transport Conundrum Subject: The Stonecutting and Transport Techniques of the Ancient Egyptians Filed by: Dr. Ritz Footwat, Investigative