Or was it Irrelevant reverence?
It really doesn’t matter as it is nonsense either way.
What is RI? Simply put, it is a web zine. A good old fashioned digital zine.
What is it about? That is a little less simple. I would say it is the “Seinfeld” of zines and all about nothing. That would be a lie though. Saying it is the “Theory of Everything” would be a lie too. I am not interested in talking about nothing or everything.
So I guess the best way to describe it is a Zine about something.
But what thing?
Well that depends on what page you are on…and what your editor is on about.
We decided that one of the greatest things about teh interwebs is that everything can be flexible…and organized easily to find just the things you want.
Turns out, the blog format has had that right for years.
So here is how it works. There will be set pages for recurring themes of interest. On day one we have already established pages for cryptids, Ask Oxylus, and thought experiments. If I know me at all, those pages will grow, change, and explode into a thousand bits of nothing from time to time. But there will be hierarchies that organize the subjects we get on about the most.
Hopefully this webzine will grow into something you like and follow. If not, it will grow into a cancer on the internet that will grow until ai eats it and shits it out as an unintelligible garble.
I want to note that we intend to stay away from all paywalls, so please make purchases through our links or make donations to the Cernunnos Foundation so that we can keep the lights on and keep bringing the jams.